"Red Rising" by Pierce Brown is a gripping dystopian novel set in a future society stratified by color-coded castes. The story follows Darrow, a member of the lowest caste, the Reds, who toils beneath the surface of Mars, believing he is helping to terraform the planet for future generations. However, Darrow soon discovers that he and his people are being exploited by the ruling Golds, who control the resources and power.
After a devastating personal tragedy, Darrow joins a rebel group called the Sons of Ares, who seek to overthrow the Golds and establish a more just society. Through a grueling process, Darrow undergoes surgery and genetic manipulation to pass as a Gold and infiltrate their elite society. He enters the Institute, a brutal training ground where young Golds compete for power and dominance.
As Darrow navigates the treacherous politics and deadly challenges of the Institute, he forms alliances and discovers shocking truths about the world he thought he knew. Along the way, he faces betrayal, loss, and moral dilemmas that force him to question his own identity and purpose.